put yourself into your brand

Is it your logo? Is it your color palette and typefaces? Your tagline? These are all things that a brand has, but what a brand is, can be a little harder to define. “What is your brand?” seems like a simple enough question, but we know the answer is anything but simple. If you find it difficult to define your brand, your customers will too.

coke, apple, and disney brands coke, apple, and disney brands

brand > business

Good branding helps establish expectations with your user. Branding helps users identify and make connections with all that your brand touches. When someone purchases an Apple product, whether it’s an iPhone or a Macbook, the user knows what kind of experience they are going to get because Apple has communicated it through branding design and marketing. You expect Coca-Cola and its other sodas to be readily available at any restaurant. You expect Disney to have a focus on storytelling with their entertainment platforms and parks. A good brand like these also has longevity and is adaptable to the changing times. A great brand creates a legacy.

make a mark on the world that can’t be erased


driving to new frontiers

Barco decided to step into the online car sales world. Barco could get the trucks, but they needed a place to sell their inventory, and a brand customers could trust. We helped them build an amazing customer focused brand and website to help them get their trucks off their lots and into new hands.

Build A Brand Customers Trust

Paragon Homes

Building Homes Smarter

The owners of Paragon Homes have been in the construction industry for a long time, but they wanted to change their target customer from commercial to building fully custom homes. We helped them rebrand and pivot by creating a brand and logo that emphasized their experience in the industry, but catered to their new audience base. Once that was done we built an amazing website that mirrored the custom work they were doing in their clients homes.

Rebuild & Rebrand

Pearl Street Dental

The Revival of A Brand

Pearl Street wanted to take on the challenge of rebranding, and making a dentist’s office alluring and warm. We build new web pages, from the ground up, for every practice, adding human touch to dentistry. SEO and paid ads came next, pushing each practice to a record number of new clients. View portfolio.

Bring Your Brand to Life

Canis Collection

Social Luxury

Canis is a luxury CBD skincare brand that we’ve helped since the start of the company. We helped create an elegant feed that shared the message of luxury living. We also provided monthly photoshoots, daily Instagram and Facebook stories, and provided influencer outreach. View portfolio.

Strategy For Any Style

Ross McGarvey

we are doers, not dreamers

We live what we preach and we apply the same principles to our own CEO’s brand that we do for our clients. Ross McGarvey is our CEO and Avant8 has been working on his website, branding, and social media since the beginning.

Let’s Build Something


The Power of A Pretty Brand

Brannd is a fun company that helps you turn your designs into real life. You can make apparel, accessories, home items, and so much more! We helped create an aesthetically pleasing feed that represented the brand’s voice and tone.

Attract Your Customers


core discovery

To help you understand your brand, who it’s for, and how to apply it, we use a system called Core Discovery, a series of three white board exercises where your expertise works hand-in-hand with ours to create a clear direction for your brand.

discovery whiteboard session

brand attributes icon


We help you find your brand’s voice, culture, and what x-factors makes you better than your competitors.

personas icon


A brand isn’t much without the users who support them. Get in the shoes of the people you’re doing this for with empathy boards.

priorities icon


Establish priorities so you can be organized, build awareness, and make some sweet money.


After the white board exercises, we create three distinct design directions the brand can take. These stylescapes are the visual culmination of Core Discovery and lead directly into logo design and style guide creation.



logo & style guide

Your logo is the primary mark that identifies your brand. We understand what goes into designing a good logo. We also provide a style guide to help anyone who touches your brand to understand how to correctly apply so that you can consistently set that expectation that all good brands set.

logo comps



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