Employee Spotlight: CEO Ross McGarvey
February 19, 2018 | in | by admin

Every Monday we spotlight one of our stellar employees (this week employer) with 20 Questions. Here’s how our CEO Ross answered his:

  1. What drew you to working at a marketing agency? Total accident!
  2. Favorite thing about Salt Lake City? – Tacos Garay
  3. What’s your favorite 80s movie? – Tron
  4. Android or iPhone? – iPhone
  5. Where did you grow up? – Scotland
  6. Who inspires you? – My Mum
  7. What’s your favorite dessert? – Pavlova
  8. Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer? – Autumn 😉
  9. Han Solo or Indiana Jones? – Indiana Jones
  10. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be? – Dragonlance/Ready Player One …
  11. Pick any superpower that you’d love to have. – Time travel
  12. How many countries have you visited? – 20
  13. Llamas or Alpacas? – Alpaca Llama for my trip …
  14. Favorite show to binge-watch? – Chuck
  15. What is your biggest accomplishment? – Having Kids
  16. Which celebrity do you want to meet the most? – Met him already – Kurt Russell
  17. How many siblings do you have? – 2
  18. Ski or snowboard or neither? – Snowboard
  19. Do you have a favorite color? – Black
  20. What is your favorite quote and why? –  “Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken!” – Tyler Durden


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